The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek.

man-icon Prajwal Dahal calender-icon 14 May 2024


The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is one of the most scenic and adored short treks in the Annapurna region. This relatively takes you upto 4-5 days through stunning Himalayan landscapes, charming ethnic villages, and offers unbeatable views of the massive Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges.

The trek begins in the villages of Nayapul or Birethanti and follows an ancient traderoute trail winding through rhododendron forests and past terraced farms. You'll ascend over 3,200 stone steps through small Magar and Gurung settlements like Ulleri and Banthanti before reaching Ghorepani, a popular overnight stop at 2,860m.

A key highlight is the early morning hike from Ghorepani to the famous Poon Hill viewpoint at 3,210m. From here, the pre-dawn vistas overlooking the Himalayas are simply breathtaking - the snow-capped peaks of Annapurna South (7,219m), Hiunchuli (6,441m), and the iconic fishtail peak of Machapuchare (6,993m) glow with the first light as the sunrise unfolds. On a clear day, you can even see as far as Dhaulagiri (8,167m) in the west.

After descending from Poon Hill, the trail continues through rhododendron forests to the large Gurung village of Ghandruk. This is one of the largest Gurung settlements with a museum exhibiting the culture and history of this ancient tribe who have inhabited the region for over 1,500 years.

Though short, this classic trek encapsulates the best of what makes the Annapurnas so incredibly special - astounding Himalayan scenery combined with a fascinating glimpse into the traditional mountain life of ethnic groups like the Gurungs and Magars. No wonder it attracts over 50,000 trekkers annually.


Trekking Route Overview:


The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is a classic teahouse trek that follows a circular route through the villages and rhododendron forests of the Annapurna region.

Day 1: Start from Nayapul (1,070m) or Birethanti (1,025m) and trek through terraced farmlands and forests to Ulleri (2,070m). Approx 5-6 hours trek. 

Day 2: Ascend through rhododendron forests and Magar villages to Ghorepani (2,860m). Approx 5-6 hours.

Day 3: Pre-dawn start (around 4 am) for the 45-minute ascent to Poon Hill (3,210m) for stunning Himalayan sunrise views over Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. After descending, continue trekking through forests to Tadapani (2,700m). Approx 5-6 hours.

Day 4: Trek downhill through villages and rhododendron forests to the large Gurung settlement of Ghandruk (1,940m). Approx 3-4 hours.

Day 5: Descend further through stone villages and farmlands back to Nayapul/Birethanti to complete the circuit. Approx 4-5 hours.

The total trekking distance is around 45-50 km with a maximum altitude of 3,210m at Poon Hill. Most trekkers complete it in 4-5 days, staying overnight at basic teahouse lodges in villages along the way.

Trekking is possible year-round, though March-May and October-November are considered prime seasons for clear mountain views and rhododendron blooms. Proper trekking gear, permits, and an experienced guide are recommended.

Here are the details about accommodation and meals on the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek:


Accommodation on the Ghorepani Poon Hill trek is provided in local teahouses and lodges run by the indigenous Gurung community in the villages along the trail.


  • Basic multi-bed dorm-style rooms with twin beds and shared bathrooms
  • Usually provide basic bedding and pillows, but it's recommended to bring a sleeping bag
  • Heated communal dining halls where meals are served
  • Hot showers available in some lodges for an additional cost
  • No need to carry tents or cooking equipment

Key Stopovers with Lodges:

Ulleri (2,070m)

  • This is typically the first overnight stop after starting the trek from Nayapul/Birethanti
  • Several basic teahouses and lodges available catering to trekkers

Ghorepani (2,860m)

  • The largest settlement on the trail with over 50 teahouses/lodges
  • Popular overnight stop before the pre-dawn hike to Poon Hill
  • Lodges here have the most facilities like heated dining, hot showers

Tadapani (2,700m)

  • Smaller village but has around 10-15 teahouses
  • Common to stop here after visiting Poon Hill before descending

Ghandruk (1,940m)

  • The largest Gurung village on the circuit with around 30 lodges
  • Famous for its Gurung culture museum and homestay options

Chomrong (2,170m)

  • An alternative stop between Ghandruk and Nayapul with basic lodges
  • Provides accommodation if descending from Ghandruk in one long day

While accommodation is available in these villages, it's basic with just the essentials. Ghorepani and Ghandruk have the highest concentration of lodges. Pre-booking is not required, but it's advisable to arrive early to secure the best rooms during peak seasons.


Teahouse Meals

  • Dal Bhat (lentil soup, rice, vegetable curry) - Nepali staple
  • Momos (vegetable/buff dumplings)
  • Gundruk (dried fermented greens, popular curry)

Fig : Gundruk 

  • Sel Roti (Nepali ring donuts)
  • Potato/Vegetable Curry and Roti
  • Thukpa (hand-pulled noodle soup)
  • Porridge, Eggs for breakfast
  • Nepali-style Chow Mein
  • Locally-made Raksi (alcoholic drink)

Must-Try Local Delicacies

Fig : Tongba 

  • Tongba (hot millet-based alcoholic beverage)
  • Chhurpi (hardened yak cheese)
  • Gurung Bread (sweet dense bread made with corn)
  • Kachila (spiced Nepali fermented meat)
  • Gundruk ko Achar (dried fermented greens pickle)
  • Ghee (clarified butter used liberally in local cuisine)

Most trekkers opt for the basic teahouse meal packages which are simple but nourishing Nepali fare. It's advisable to carry some dry snacks and energy bars as well. Meals are pay-as-you-go at the end of each day.With the increase in trekker numbers, teahouse standards have improved greatly in recent years, though lodgings remain quite basic in remote areas. Vegetarian and vegan meals can usually be accommodated on request.

Staples like dal bhat and momos are available everywhere. But be sure to try unique Gurung dishes like tongba, chhurpi and gundruk specialties that are integral to the cuisine in this region.Most teahouses happily cater to vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free requirements on request as well. Drinking plenty of hot beverages like masala tea helps with acclimatization too.


Here are some important safety and health considerations for the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek:

Safety and Health Considerations

Altitude Sickness

·       The maximum altitude reached on this trek is 3,210m at Poon Hill

·       Still, there is risk of altitude sickness like headaches, nausea, fatigue

·       Ascending slowly, staying hydrated and avoiding strenuous activity helps

·       Inform guides immediately if symptoms persist

Terrain and Weather

·        The trail has many steep stone steps which can be slippery

·        Trekking poles are highly recommended for knee support

·        Carry proper non-slip footwear with good grip

·        Be prepared for sudden weather changes in the mountains

·        Carry warm layers, rain gear and other protective gear

Water and Food Hygiene

·        Avoid drinking untreated water from streams/taps

·        Carry a portable purifier or use iodine tablets to treat water

·        Only eat fresh, hot and properly cooked foods at teahouses

·        Peel it, cook it, boil it or forget it when it comes to food

Other Safety Measures

·        Register with your embassy and obtain trekking permits

·        Hire an experienced, licensed trekking guide

·        Get travel insurance covering high altitude trekking

·        Learn about altitude sickness symptoms and response

·        Only trek in groups, not alone for safety

·        Inform someone about your trekking itinerary

Health and Fitness

·        Have a basic level of cardiovascular fitness for the trek

·        Be prepared for 5-7 hours of moderate hiking daily

·        Those with pre-existing conditions should consult a doctor

·        Carry basic medications for headaches, nausea, diarrhea 

·        Pack rehydration salts, first aid kit, hand sanitizers 

Following basic safety protocols, being aware of altitude effects, and having a certified guide goes a long way in ensuring a safe and fulfilling trekking experience.

Preparation and Required Permits

Proper preparation is key to having an enjoyable and safe experience on the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek. Here are some important things to take care of:


  • Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) Permit: Required for all trekkers, obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara. Costs around NPR 2,000 (~$20 USD)
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): Also mandatory, obtained with TIMS card. Costs around NPR 3,000 (~$30 USD)

Guides and Porters

  • Hiring a licensed, experienced trekking guide is highly recommended, especially for first-timers
  • Guides help with logistics, navigation, acclimatization and provide insights
  • Porters can be hired to carry luggage if required

Fitness and Training

  • A basic level of cardiovascular fitness is needed for 5-7 hours of moderate hiking daily
  • Training by walking/hiking regularly in the months before will help build endurance
  • Doing squats, lunges and calf raises can strengthen legs for the steep trails

Gear and Packing

  • Lightweight, moisture-wicking trekking clothes in layers
  • Broken-in, waterproof trekking boots with good ankle support
  • Trekking poles, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm
  • Heavy warm jacket, gloves, thermals for cold
  • 40-50 liter backpack with raincover
  • Sleeping bag, towel, toilet kit, water purifier
  • Basic med kit with altitude sickness medication

Other Tips

  • Obtain proper travel/health insurance covering trekking
  • Get vaccinated if required and carry medication
  • Have emergency contacts and share itinerary
  • Pack snacks like energy bars, dry fruits
  • Bring passport and visa photos for permits
  • Carry cash in Nepali rupees for teahouses

With the right planning, gear and guidance, the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek can be an incredibly rewarding experience in Nepal's Annapurna region.

Total Cost of the Trip

Here's an estimate of the total cost for the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek when all expenses are included:


Total Estimated Cost



·        Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) Permit: $20

·        Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): $30


Guide and Porter Fees (for 5 days):

·        Licensed Trekking Guide: $30 x 5 days = $150

·        Porter: $20x 5 days = $100


Accommodation and Meals (for 5 days):

·        Teahouse Lodging: $8 per night x 4nights = $40

·        Breakfast,Dinner,Lunch: $32per meal x 5 meals = $160  


Additional Costs:

·        Hot Showers

·        Battery Charging 

·        Drinking Water

·        Tips for Guide and Porter

·        Miscellaneous (snacks, souvenirs etc.) 



·        Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus: $15

·        Pokhara to Nayapul and return: $50


*Total Cost : $800


This total of around $800-1000 per person includes having a licensed guide, porter, all accommodation, meals, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses during the 5-day trek.

Having some flexible buffer for any emergencies or weather delays is advisable when budgeting for this trek. Proper travel insurance is highly recommended as well.


Here are some additional helpful pieces of information for the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek:

Best Trekking Seasons

Fig : Spring Seasons(March-May)

  • Spring (March-May) and Fall (October-November) offer the best weather and clearest mountain views
  • Rhododendron flowers bloom in March-April adding beautiful colors
  • Winter (Dec-Feb) is very cold with high risk of snowfall
  • Monsoon (June-Sept) has heavy rains making trails slippery


  • It's crucial to acclimatize properly to the altitude to avoid sickness
  • Spend a day or two in Pokhara (827m) before starting the trek
  • On the trek, take it slow and give your body time to adjust
  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid strenuous activity at higher altitudes

Local Culture

  • The trek passes through villages of the Gurung and Magar ethnic groups
  • Be respectful of their culture, traditions and way of life
  • Ask before taking photos, remove shoes before entering homes
  • Learn and use basic Nepali phrases like "Namaste" to greet locals

When to Start

  • For Poon Hill sunrise, leave Ghorepani around 4-5 am to reach by 6 am
  • This timing ensures you get a vantage spot before daybreak
  • Carry a headlamp/torch and dress in warm layers for the pre-dawn hike

Environment Protection

  • Follow Leave No Trace principles - carry out all non-biodegradables
  • Use eco-friendly detergents and toilet practices
  • Stay on marked trails, don't litter or deface rocks/trees
  • Support local businesses and employment opportunities

With proper planning, respecting local customs, going at your own pace and following environmental ethics, the Ghorepani Poon Hill trek can be an incredibly rewarding Himalayan adventure.


As the sun's first golden rays crest over the snowy Annapurna peaks, bathing the Himalayan giants in a warm ethereal glow, you'll know the effort of The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek was absolutely worth it. This compact yet challenging journey packs in all the highlights that make trekking in Nepal's Annapurna region so special.

 From winding trails through rhododendron forests and quaint ethnic villages to the ultimate reward of jaw-dropping mountain vistas, The Ghorepani Poon Hill route leaves an indelible impression. Whether you're an experienced trekker or a newcomer to high altitude hiking, witnessing a Himalayan sunrise from Poon Hill's vantage point is a humbling, almost spiritual experience.

 Yet the memories linger far beyond that magical Poon Hill moment. The warm hospitality of the Gurung people, the thrill of crossing vertiginous suspension bridges, and the crisp mountain air invigorating your lungs - it all combines into an adventure you won't soon forget. Trekking among these ancient peaks connects you to something larger than yourself.

 While the trail is rightly renowned as one of Nepal's classic treks, proper preparation and being aware of altitude impacts is crucial. With the right gear, guides, fitness and an open mind to embracing the local cultures, The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek  rewards the intrepid traveler with moments of transcendence.

 So, lace up your boots, breathe deep the rarified mountain air, and get ready to join the trail of those seeking the ultimate Himalayan high on this unforgettable journey through Nepal's Annapurna giants. An experience that will change your perspective forever awaits.


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